Offshore Drilling Rig Tracker
This page features regular posts focused on the global offshore rig market. We present global floating rig counts by region and provide a snapshot of current drilling activity in key markets. Bookmark this page and come back for further rig related content in the coming weeks.
- Stena Evolution awarded a five-year contract with Shell for operations in the US GoM. Contract start expected in Q2-2024
- Ocean BlackLion moved to GC480, current work scope unknown. Remains with bp
- West Neptune moved to Who Dat, MC547
- Deepwater Asgard moved to MC727 to drill the Pickerel-1 prospect for Hess
LukeD2023-06-01 08:26:382023-06-01 08:26:38US GoM Floating Fleet Report – 01st June 2023
- Noble Valiant completed its contract with TotalEnergies in Suriname in early May. The drillship is now approaching its Fourchon anchorage ahead of its next contract with Kosmos in the Gulf
- Discoverer inspiration completed its contract with Hess and is now idle on Grand Isle 61 ahead of its contract with Talos Energy
- Deepwater Asgard completed its contract with Murphy Oil and is now idle on Grand Isle 61 ahead of its next contract with a currently unknown operator
- Deepwater Titan moved to MC937 on May 25th – current activity unknown
LukeD2023-05-26 06:15:342023-05-26 06:15:34US GoM Floating Fleet Report – 25th May 2023
- Noble Faye Kozack awarded a long-term contract with Petrobras on the Tupi field, offshore Brazil. Expected to mobilize out of the Gulf in Q3/Q4 2023
- Sevan Louisiana moved to Green Canyon 78, currently on the Sunspear prospect
LukeD2023-05-18 08:24:062023-05-18 08:24:06US GoM Floating Fleet Report – 18th May 2023
- US GoM regional rig count increased by one rig this week with the arrival of Deepwater Titan
- West Neptune moved from Castile (Moccasin) KC736 to Taggart MC816, remains under contract with LLOG
- Deepwater Titan arrived at its current anchorage point on Grand Isle on 7th May. Due to start its 5-year contract with Chevron this quarter
- Ocean Blackhawk awarded a one-year contract with Occidental, to start Q4-2023
- Near term increase in rig count expected as Noble Valiant, Noble Globetrotter and Ocean Blackhawk expected to enter the region this year
LukeD2023-05-11 07:55:472023-05-11 07:58:33US GoM Floating Fleet Report – 11th May 2023
- Noble Globetrotter II moved from Coulomb MC657 and is now drilling a prospect on AC735
- Noble Stanley Lafosse moved from GI61 and is now drilling the Chinook #7 WR42 prospect
- Noble Valiant has been assigned the Kosmos well that was previously assigned to the Noble Faye Kozack
- Noble Valiant awarded a c.30-day contract @US$450k/day with an undisclosed operator
- Noble Globetrotter I contract in Mexico will start in May. Rig to return to US GoM for 70 days P&A with Shell in September
- Deepwater Poseidon left Sparta on 1st May and arrived at Vicksburg MC393 on 4th May
- Deepwater Conqueror left Perseus VK830 on 1st May. Arrived Polyphemus prospect MC608 on 3rd May
- Near term increase in rig count expected at Deepwater Titan, Noble Valiant and Noble Globetrotter I return to the US GoM
LukeD2023-05-04 09:12:192023-05-04 09:20:46US GoM Floating Fleet Report – 4th May 2023
- Vela left its Fourchon anchorage point on 26th April and is on route to Mad Dog GC825 with bp
- Noble Stanley Lafosse completed its contract with Murphy and is now idle on Grand Isle 61
- Deepwater Invictus started its new three well contract with Murphy on Cottonwood GB244
- Deepwater Titan reached Walvis Bay, Namibia on 9th April. It is currently making its way North up the eastern coast of Brazil
- Average fixture rate for Q1 ~US$430/day
LukeD2023-04-27 07:58:302023-04-27 07:58:30US GoM Floating Fleet Report – 27th April 2023
- Santorini awarded new contract with Eni for two years at a day rate of ~US$384/day
- Vela completed work on Zephyrus MC759 and is now on Grand Isle 61 awaiting its next contract with bp
- Deepwater Invictus completed work on Shenzi North. Currently idle awaiting start of three well contract with unknown operator
- VALARIS DS-16 completed work on Horn Mountain West MC-80 and moved to the Pancheron well location, GC992
- Deepwater Titan reached Walvis Bay, Namibia on 9th April. After a brief stay, the rig set sail on the 12th April and has now started its journey across the Atlantic, towards the GoM
- Average fixture rate for Q1 ~US$430/day
LukeD2023-04-20 08:53:362023-04-21 07:29:31US GoM Floating Fleet Report – 20th April 2023
- The marketed floating rig fleet in the US GoM remains at full utilisation
- Noble Faye Kozack moved back to Katmai, GC39. The rig remains under contract with QuarterNorth
- Deepwater Thalassa moved to Whale to start production drilling. The rig remains under contract with Shell
- Deepwater Conqueror moved to VK830 and remains under contract with Chevron
- Deepwater Titan reached Walvis Bay, Namibia on 9th April. After a brief stay, the rig set sail on the 12th April and has now started its journey across the Atlantic, towards the GoM
- Average fixture rate for Q1 ~US$430/day
LukeD2023-04-13 08:01:072023-04-13 08:01:07US GoM Floating Fleet Report – 13th April 2023
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