- Santorini awarded new contract with Eni for two years at a day rate of ~US$384/day
- Vela completed work on Zephyrus MC759 and is now on Grand Isle 61 awaiting its next contract with bp
- Deepwater Invictus completed work on Shenzi North. Currently idle awaiting start of three well contract with unknown operator
- VALARIS DS-16 completed work on Horn Mountain West MC-80 and moved to the Pancheron well location, GC992
- Deepwater Titan reached Walvis Bay, Namibia on 9th April. After a brief stay, the rig set sail on the 12th April and has now started its journey across the Atlantic, towards the GoM
- Average fixture rate for Q1 ~US$430/day

LukeD2023-04-20 08:53:362023-04-21 07:29:31US GoM Floating Fleet Report – 20th April 2023
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